I know what your probably thinking, why do I get so lax and wait more than a week at a time to write-up my blog, and list my daily raw - well, I can't really answer that, except by saying, "it's a personal problem." You see, I get real focused on something, and give it all I got, only to eventually fall off the wagon for a while, then wonder why I stopped. It worries me too, when I get this way, 'cause I don't want to have that happen with my "raw food" choices in life either. Fortunately, I did make the effort to write down on scrap pieces of paper what I have been eating every day since my last blog, and to write some notes on what I was feeling at the time (but not too much of that).
I decided to start my blog out this way, after reading a very good e-newsletter on the 5-steps for transformation, from Philip McCluskey, of Lovingraw.com. Philip talks about routine, and taking responsibility for one's self and the food choices, and lifestyle choices taken. Those few short paragraphs really hit home. I know my biggest deal is always having to admit that when I fall off the wagon or lose focus, it's all me - all my fault. Sure, I make excuses, and I do believe you shouldn't be too hard on yourself. But truth be told, it's because I got a little lazy, or I chose to take on more than I could truly commit too, and sure enough, I've fallen off the path I truly want to travel. Now don't get me wrong, I haven't fallen off the "raw food" path, but I have fallen off the need to eat better and more healthfully on the raw food diet. I have chosen easy outs, such as raw food bars (not bad for me, but not the best). Fresh juice, salads, and veggies would be a better choice. I do drink at least 1-2 smoothies a day, and try to have at least one green juice, or green salad a day. But then I over kill on the raw treats (i.e. raw cacao, dates, nuts, and so on). Just as I was starting to drop the pounds, I have plateaued again. Why? Because of overeating...overeating good "raw" food. And the more I find myself eating, the more I start to crave those foods that aren't raw and healthy for me. I worried about the temptation! Good news though, I have been exercising at least 3 times a week - and still going strong!
In case you didn't know, many raw-foodies around the globe have been participating in a 92-day global juice feast. I have always admired those individuals that have been successful at completing this great feast task. I have toyed with the concept for many months, but just can't see myself making the full commitment. I do make efforts to drink juice and smoothies on a daily basis, but I do eat other "solid" foods along with that. I recently joined a group on the Global Juice Feast for Modified Juice Feasters, hosted by JS Ohlander, and inspired by Heidi Ohlander's recent juice feast that lasted a little over a month. Heidi worked very hard, and blogged daily, and provided great information and support, but she admitted how hard it was, and how it doesn't necessarily work well for all individuals, and that some juice feasting (or modified juice feasting) is still very beneficial, and should not be taken for granite. So, that's where I feel I've been leaning towards all this time. I just think I need to do more of it. So hopefully I will make more time to cut back on the overall calorie intake, cut down on the amount of raw goodies I eat, and increase the amount of "super" green juice feasts to my daily routine.
My birthday is coming up, and we plan to go to California to celebrate, and to enjoy Spring break as a family. I will confess right now, before it even happens. I plan to take my birthday off, and eat my favorite seafood morsels on the pier, in San Diego, on my birthday. But, I do not plan to eat any "fried" food. I'm planning on steamed and raw fish and crustaceans. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. So, since I have made this declaration, I really need to focus on being a better and healthier raw-foodie, and cut back on all the raw "junk food" as my husband calls it. Oh, just so you know, I do plan to visit some local Cali raw food restaurants while there over the break. I know my family would love it!
Well, that's enough of that for now. Time to list my daily raw for all those days I missed...
6oz berry smoothie
24oz raw body shake
30oz carrot, grapes, ginger, apple, spinach Juice Feast
2 almond, vanilla snackeroons
1 carob smart monkey bar
1 coconut/chocolate raw vegan bar
5 handfuls of grapes (red and green)
wedge of lemon
thin slice of (my recipe) Brazil nut bread
handful of pecans
tablespoon of my, Debbie's raw chocolate candy, liquified (melted)
lots of water
6oz berry smoothie
24oz raw body shake
24oz raw body shake
24oz mango, parsley, and romaine lettuce smoothie
1 almond, vanilla snackeroon
1 carob smart monkey bar
1 slice of (my recipe) Brazil nut bread w/pecan butter and raw blueberries with agave and SweetLeaf liquid stevia
2 slices of (my recipe) Brazil nut bread w/eggless salad spread, romaine lettuce, avocado mayo dollop
2 handful of grapes (red and green)
handful of jungle peanuts (very yummy)
1 piece of my, Debbie's chocolate candy
lots and lots and lots of water
8oz berry smoothie
24oz raw body shake
24oz raw chocolate-banana super-charged nut-shake (Wow! Now that's good!)
1 slice of (my recipe) Brazil nut bread w/almond butter
1/2 cup kale and fig prepared raw salad from Whole Foods
2T cashew and fig raw salad from Whole Foods
1 banana
4 handfuls of grapes (red and green)
1 piece of my, Debbie's raw chocolate candy
3 scoops raw ice cream w/raw chocolate candy melted and hardened, and strawberries on top
1 strawberry
coconut and agave rawvolution bar
3 pieces of Dragon Roll sushi (not raw)
1 carob smart monkey bar
lots of water
24oz Super-charged berry nut-shake (includes camu, lucuma, maca, and goji berries)
lots of grapes (red and green)
1 slice of my Brazil bread w/almond butter, agave and banana
3 romaine lettuce leaves with eggless salad spread
240z mango, parsley, romaine lettuce smoothie
lots and lots and lots of water
6oz berry smoothie
24oz berry breakfast smoothie (w/maca, gogi berries, camu, lucuma)
24oz parsley, mango, romaine lettuce leaves
24oz Super-charged chocolate-banana nut-shake
1 carob smart monkey bar
3 romaine lettuce leaves wrapped with eggless salad spread and avocado
1/4 piece of my Brazil bread
grapes, grapes, and more grapes (red and green)...I love grapes!
2 dipped strawberries in Karen Knowler's chocolate dipping sauce
1 piece of my, Debbie's chocolate candy
lots and lots and lots of water (to wash it all down with...lol)
6oz berry smoothie
24oz Super-charged berry breakfast smoothie (maca, camu, lucuma, goji berries)
24oz mango, parsley, romaine lettuce leaves)
1/2 piece my, Debbie's chocolate candy
3 scoops Heidi Ohlander's vanilla ice cream w/Karen Knowler's raw chocolate dipping sauce
3 large strawberries dipped in Karen Knowler's raw chocolate dipping sauce
3 handfuls grapes (green and red)
2 vanilla, almond snackeroons
handful of raw corn chips
2 slices of raw brown bread
lots and lots of water
24oz raw body shake
6oz berry smoothie
24oz mango, parsley, romaine lettuce leaves
4 slices raw brown bread
2 handfuls raw corn chips
1 carob smart monkey bar
1 cacao brownie smart monkey bar
24oz green feast juice (celery, ginger, spinach, kale, carrots, parsley, apple)
several handfuls of grapes (green and red)
couple of strawberries with Karen Knowler's raw chocolate dipping sauce
6oz berry smoothie
24oz mango, parsley, romaine lettuce leaves
24oz mango, parsley, romaine lettuce leaves
handful of raw corn chips
5 slices raw brown bread
2 carob smart monkey bar
1/4 omega vegan raw bar (very yuk, and nasty!)
5 slices raw brown bread
2 carob smart monkey bar
1/4 omega vegan raw bar (very yuk, and nasty!)
2 vanilla, almond snackeroons
2 handfuls of grapes (red and green)
2 dates
1 handful of hazelnuts
6-pc raw sushi rolls (avocado, marinated mushrooms in braggs and nama shoyu, red bell pepper)
12oz green feast juice (celery, ginger, spinach, kale, carrots, parsley, apple)
several handfuls of grapes (green and red)
several handfuls of grapes (green and red)
3 scoops Heidi Ohlander's vanilla ice cream w/Heidi's famous raw chocolate sauce
water, water, and more water...I was very full!!!
24oz raw body shake
6oz berry smoothie
24oz six on the beach juice feast (beats, cucumbers, ginger, parsley, carrots, kale)
2 vanilla, almond raw snackeroons
1 carob smart monkey bar
1 coconut, chocolate raw vegan bar
4 pieces raw brown bread
6 black olives with pits (I removed the pits of course)
slices of green bell pepper and lettuce
handful of hazelnuts
2 dates
(I did eat 1 small handful of popcorn - real popcorn. Let me just say this, it smelled much better than it tasted, and made me feel...I felt yuk afterwards!)
3 scoops Heidi Ohlander's vanilla ice cream w/Karen Knowler's raw chocolate dipping sauce
3 large strawberries dipped in Karen Knowler's raw chocolate dipping sauce
couple of strawberries with Karen Knowler's raw chocolate dipping sauce
3 large strawberries dipped in Karen Knowler's raw chocolate dipping sauce
couple of strawberries with Karen Knowler's raw chocolate dipping sauce
lots and lots and lots of water...and yes, I am full!!!
Well, that's more than enough for me to write in one sitting. Till next time!
Keep it raw!
ttfn :)
1 comment:
Hey Debbie, I support you so much!!! Your blog looks great and your berry shake looks amazing! Thanks for the mention. : )
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