Well, I finished making my raw rendition of a coconut, key-lime pie, and I have to say it was pretty darn good. It could have used some more lime juice, but I did use about 14-16 key limes as it was...lol...the crust was the favorite of my friends and family who tried it. It had to be from the coconut flakes, and lime zest I used with the mac nuts...very yummy!

After the pie deal, I started thinking more and more about drinking my green juice again, since I've been eating a lot of high fatty raw foods lately, and feeling bloated. So, I mixed it up over the past few days - smoothies, green juices, and salads, with a few snacks here and there...it definately has been making the difference.
I also have been reading a lot of raw blogs lately (more than usual), as well as reading my raw books (not just the recipes), "Rawsome Food", and "Ani's Raw Food Kitchen". Great information, and inspiration!

My back is feeling better...I actually rode the recumbant bike tonight, and did some back stretches. I still have to take it easy...I'm still suffering from sciatica, just not as crippling as it has been.
Well, I want to write more, but as usual, I'm cutting it short due to the time of day it is - night!
So, until next time...hopefully soon...have a wonderful evening, and a terrific tomorrow!
Here's my daily raw for the past few days:
Thursday, January 31st
6oz berry smoothie
16oz raw body shake
8oz rawbuck’s coffee II
2 slices key lime pie
3 leaves with avocado slices and mock tuna
small bowl cacao, macadamia, coconut iced cream, with raw chocolate sauce
couple of dates
zucchini, pine nuts, mushrooms, basil, tomatoes, evoo
4 slices raw buckwheat sun bread, with coconut butter and salt
1 taster’s cup green juice
carob smart monkey
handful mixed nuts
lots and lots of water
6oz berry smoothie
16oz raw body shake
8oz rawbuck’s coffee II
2 slices key lime pie
3 leaves with avocado slices and mock tuna
small bowl cacao, macadamia, coconut iced cream, with raw chocolate sauce
couple of dates
zucchini, pine nuts, mushrooms, basil, tomatoes, evoo
4 slices raw buckwheat sun bread, with coconut butter and salt
1 taster’s cup green juice
carob smart monkey
handful mixed nuts
lots and lots of water

6oz berry smoothie
24oz raw body shake
1 slice key lime pie
1 big bowl cacao, macadamia, coconut iced cream, with raw chocolate sauce
couple of dates
1 tall glass (24oz approx.) green juice
6oz glass green juice
handful of hazelnuts
banana and romaine lettuce leaves smoothie
lots and lots of water
Saturday, February 2nd
16oz raw body shake
8oz berry smoothie
1 carob smart monkey bar
1 banana
2 ½ -24oz glasses of green juice
2 sample size taster cups of green super-food powder juice
4 almond, vanilla snackeroons
5 pieces sprouted buckwheat sun bread with raw guacamole
2 handfuls grapes
1/3 cup jungle peanuts with raw chocolate fudge sauce (with lucuma, mesquite, cacao, and maca) lots and lots of water
Sunday, February 3rd
24oz berry breakfast smoothie with maca, lucuma, bee pollen, and berry greens super-food powder added
¼ banana
1 carob smart monkey bar
4 vanilla, almond snackeroons
2 dates
handful grapes
handful raw almonds
salad (white button mushrooms and portabello mushrooms marinated with bragg’s amino acids, and nama shoyu, napa cabbage, romaine lettuce leaves, red bell pepper, cucumber, pepitas, sliced almonds, sea salt, avocado)
lots and lots of water
Monday, February 4th
24oz berry breakfast smoothie (with maca, lucuma, and bee pollen)
2 ½ -24oz glasses green juice with green super-food powder
8oz chia seed cacao pudding
2 almond, vanilla snackeroons
1 banana
1 carob smart monkey bar
handful of grapes
handful of hazelnuts
lots and lots and lots of water
Good night everyone!
TTFN...Debbie :)
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