Before I left for the doctor yesterday, I created a newer version of my Rawbuck's Coffee. I actually prefer my new version from my original. This one has mesquite added to it, as well as raw cacao nibs, and some modifications on the existing ingredients. I'll share later.
When I got home I was craving tuna, so I made some delicious "Mock" tuna on romaine lettuce. I've made the recipe many times before. You can find it at There are several recipes for mock tuna. The link I provided is to the recipe I love the most!
The "mock" tuna is ontop a slab of avocado mayo (yum-yum), which is all in the recipe that the link takes you to. I used romaine lettuce leaves instead of collard greens, because that is what I had available. It all works great!
Since this is what I ate yesterday, and today for that matter, I will go ahead and list my daily raw for both days.
yesterday, January 29th:
- 1 trail mix Smart Monkey bar
- 6oz berry smoothie
- 12oz Rawbuck's Coffee II
- 1 banana
- 1 gala apple
- 1 date (that's right, only one)
- 1 vanilla almond snackeroon (a new favorite!)
- few raw almonds
- 3 romaine lettuce leaves with avocado mayo, and mock tuna (yum-yum-yumo!)
- lots and lots and lots of water
Today, January 30th:
- 6oz berry smoothie
- 1 cacao and coconut Smart Monkey bar
- 2 romaine lettuce leaves with avocado mayo, and mock tuna
- 2 bananas
- 12oz Rawbuck's Coffee II
- spoonful of my new recipe, Rawsome Key Lime Pie filling
- lots and lots and lots of water
You've probably noticed that I've been snacking a lot on something called a vanilla almond snackeroon. That's because I recently discovered this great little raw snack at Whole Foods. The product is made by Laughing Giraffe Organics, a small independtly owned local company in Phoenix, Arizona. The owner and creator, Justin Baumgartner, also makes raw granola, and other tasty raw treats.
Well, I'm going to close for now. As usual, it's late at night, and I need to get in bed. I hope all of you have a wonderful day tomorrow!
I should have more to share, and pictures too...
Take care!
- Debbie :)
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