I was so happy this weekend, cause I actually got a lot of work done. I updated my one website with over 2,000 products; I finished the business cards for my friend - which is half the project he is paying me for; and I read up on a lot of my raw food blogs. Now I just need to catch up with my internship program, and finish the other part of the graphics project, and update my kid's website. Then I can really start focusing on my raw-riffic food website. I really want to start doing more and more with the whole raw food lifestyle, and incorporate it into my career as well as diet. I don't know to what capacity yet, but I do know I really dig all of it. And since I absolutely love the web, art, and computers, I think eventually I can figure out something to tie it all together, and include "raw" as my theme...
Anyway, a while back I brought up the idea of doing a juice feast. Then I brought up the idea of doing the master cleanse. Just for the record, I'm still very interested in both! However, the fact of the matter is, I need more information on it as far as how fasting or feasting will be on me, if I'm still forced to take the pain meds to deal with my chronic sciatica. I know it wouldn't hurt, but I really would like to wean off the "drugs" first...if you know what I mean.
Well, I need to get off to bed. I'm taking a day off tomorrow from work to rest, and then go to the doctor. I'll post more tomorrow. To follow is my daily raw for the past three days. Hope all of you have a pleasant evening, and a fantastic tomorrow!
Saturday, 1/26/08
4 almond vanilla snackeroons
3 pieces cherry, walnut, orange raw granola
1 sandwich (sprouted buckwheat sun bread, with avocado, cucumber, tomato, romaine lettuce, marinated portabello mushrooms)
2 bananas
6oz berry smoothie
handful raw corn chips
1 piece sprouted buckwheat sun bread with avocado
3 pieces of sushi (not truly raw -- only the fish)
1 sesame snap smart monkey bar
5 dates
1 cup symfre tea
lots and lots and lots of water
Sunday, 1/27/08
6oz berry smoothie
24oz berry breakfast shake with maca powder
1/2 banana
2 sandwich (sprouted buckwheat sun bread, with avocado, cucumber, tomato, romaine lettuce, marinated portabello mushrooms)
handful corn chips
2 almond vanilla snackeroons
1 small bowl cherry, walnut, orange raw granola, with almond nut milk
1 date
1 carob brownie
1 piece of an Asian pear
12oz mango, parsley, romaine lettuce, and water smoothie
1 bowl of cacao, macadamia nut, coconut iced cream, and cacao sauce with lucuma
lots and lots and lots of water
Monday, 1/28/08
6oz berry smoothie
24oz raw body shake
1 carob smart monkey bar
1 almond vanilla snackeroon
12oz mango, parsley, romaine lettuce, and water smoothie
1 banana
1 small bowl of cacao, macadamia nut, coconut iced cream, and cacao sauce with lucuma
1 bowl of buttery pasta (zucchini, portabello mushrooms, tomato, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, sea salt, and cold pressed olive oil)
3 slices of the sprouted buckwheat sun bread, with raw coconut butter and sea salt spread
lots and lots and lots of water

Ta-ta for now!
- Debbie :)
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