Well this morning started off great. I decided to step on the scale to see where I was at; and I'm happy to say, I'm down to 164 lbs. This means I have lost a total of 20 lbs. based on what my weight was recorded at back in August. It makes me sooooooooo happy. Especially because I'm not doing anything difficult to lose the weight. All I did was make the life commitment to change the way I look at food, and what I eat. I'm telling you true, eating raw is absolutely "raw-riffic!" I truly feel better, my skin looks better, my eyes and teeth look better, I have more energy, I sleep better (except recently due to the damned pain pills for my back), and I'm losing weight. Yippy!
Today I made another berry breakfast shake (which I love), green feast juice, about 10 (yes 10) dates, 5 iceberg lettuce leaves, 1 raw pumpkin spice cookie with a little raw butter spread, the remainder of my raw veggie salad with seaweed, and avocado mixed in, about 6 almonds, 1 banana, and lots and lots and lots of water.
This week I plan to green smoothie 2.0 drinks for my dinners. In case you didn't know already, it includes 1 ripe banana, 1 c. chopped mango, 1-2 c. fresh spinach, 1T of flax oil, water and ice cubes. If I don't have the mango, I may need to use something else. Maybe pineapple...I don't know yet, we'll see. For lunches I plan to make edame bean and seaweed salads (I pretty much live on this stuff), and my typical raw protein shakes or berry breakfast smoothies, or both. For snacks I plan to make some more of the strawberry cookies, almond crackers with date spread, and maybe some rawtella spread. Plus, fresh fruit such as apples, and maybe some persimmons. And, I may make the pistachio icecream cookies...they look delicious in the recipe I found online. Oh, and of course, I always keep vegan raw bars nearby for the quick pick-me-up when I don't have any fresh fruit, nuts, veggies, or greens close at hand. Anyway, I'll let you know the daily intake as always.
Today my girlfriend came by and picked up the leftover raw goodies I made for Thanksgiving. She's been wanting to sample more than just the dessert treats I've made, so I can't wait to hear what she has to say about the food. I hope she enjoys it, and it inspires her to eat more raw food. I'll keep you posted on that.
Well, that's it for now. I need to get started on our family Christmas newsletter, that we plan to include with our Christmas cards this year. Oh, I was also thinking about making raw treats to give to friends and neighbors, instead of my standard annual box of homemade cookies. I'm going to look into that more and see if I should. I think I should, cause' it would be an opportunity to share this great raw experience I've been having with others I care about. I'll let you know when it gets closer to deciding. Well, that's if for today. Have a great night, and a super terrific Monday!!!
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