Anyway, the deal is this, I had way too much to catch up on. I had my taxes, the art project (I finally finished), stuff at work, more stuff at home, my son broke his arm (that create other set backs for both us), lost track of my food diary entries, and so on. That's when I decided I needed to come up with a different plan of attack, to still blog, still stay raw, still track my progress, but not make it so dang difficult to keep up. I've decided, for now anyway, not to list my daily raw on my blogs. At least not for a while. I will blog as often as possible about my progress, list recipes and pics when I can, and eventually I will take the time to start doing this daily again. But for now, all I can do is all I can
Okay then, so I summed up what I've been up to for the past few weeks. Now to tell you about my progress. I haven't been eating as much as I usually do, but drinking a lot of smoothies, and drinking a lot of raw lemonade sweetened with stevia - not maple. That's been fine. However, at least 2 times a week I have been cheating with raw fish or sushi rolls, and the occasional nibble on a non-raw chip or spoonful of "dinner" I've made for my boys. I know that's bad. But the thing is, I have been keeping it over 75-90% raw every day. I'm working on the little "cheat bits" and hope to nip them in the bud soon. I think it's because I haven't had a lot of time to prepare raw snacks for during the week, and then I don't always eat enough, so that leads to the little rat nibbles on S.A.D. food - which again, isn't that bad, but I am working on correcting it. So bare with me, and encourage me to do better...seriously - thanks!
Over the past few weeks I have made a few treats and took so pics to share them with you. You can find some of the recipes on the site, or on the site.

Pictures include raw carrot chips, raw carrot cakes, tropical tacos, mock tuna with raw corn chips, mango-green smoothie, Hawaiian tropic shake, tropical smoothie, chocolaty-banana smoothie, chocolate almond nut-milk shake, seaweed bean bowl...all treats yummy to eat!
Well, that's it for today. Thanks for hanging in there with me. Tah, tah for now! :)
- Debbie
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