Well, once again I'm a week behind in blogging. It seems I have so much going on these days, I can't seem to focus on one thing...not that I'm complaining, cause most of the things I'm working on I truly enjoy!
Anyway, I've been "uncooking" up a storm! I've been making all kinds of goodies, and sharing it with friends and family. I've got the people around me so interested, they can't wait for the next treat. I've also been working with some old friends on producing their business cards and product brochures for the new company. That's been a lot of fun, since it's not often that I get to do professional art work. In addition, I signed up for the Frederic Patenaude Internship Program. It's been fascinating, and very challenging. The only problem is I'm getting so far behind, since I work full time, and also have small jobs on the side. It makes committing to the additional hours per week difficult, but I hope to catch up this weekend - after I take the Christmas decorations down (lol)...
Well, back to the food...I've made quite a few things. Some originals, and some recipes found on many of my favorite raw food sites. One of my most favorite things I created, was a rendition of the Starbuck's Iced Mocha. I was originally inspired by a raw recipe through the Sunny Raw Kitchen, called "Better than Coffee". It was a nice recipe, but for me it was too thick, and had a strange after-taste. Plus, I shared it with friends, and they weren't that excited about it. So, I spent several days, and several trials of coming up with the perfect recipe, and I finally got it. I call my delicious concoction, Rawbuck's Iced Mocha. You can find the complete recipe on http://www.goneraw.com/.

I also made a dish using raw sea spaghetti that I ordered online. I called the dish, Sea Spaghetti with Marinara Sauce and Avocado. It was delicious, and a great hit. You can also find the complete recipe for this dish on http://www.goneraw.com/.
Every day this week I've brought something for folks to try at work, including raw corn chips (a big favorite), raw banana nut pancakes, mango smoothie, raw coconut iced cream with raw cacao sauce, "pasta fresca" (zucchini with pine nuts, and veggies), raw cacao fudge brownies, rawbuck's iced mocha, and more...I love sharing food with people!!! :)
Well, it's getting really late and I have to make lunches for tomorrow...I'll write my daily raw food journals tomorrow to catch up.
Have a great night! Write to you soon! :)
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