Yesterday was quite a nice day for me. I felt good, and energetic, and happy for no real reason. I had my normal 6oz berry smoothie in the morning, and then when I got to work I made myself a berry breakfast smoothie with maca powder and bee pollen added. It was super delish, and made me feel real good! Later I shared a piece of my raw fudge with some of my coworkers. They really enjoyed it, and so did I. For lunch I made a Winter Green Smoothie, which consisted of the kale, celery, apple, pear, and bananas. It was hard on my travel blender, but well worth it. I have to remember to do my smoothies in small batches when using the travel blender -- I absolutely love that thing! That was the best Christmas present ever! Thanks son!
For late snack, I shared some of my delicious cheesecake with coworkers. They really liked that. They were so impressed by the texture, taste, and look of the cake, as well as the berry sauce that I drizzled on top. For dinner I had a another mango green smoothie which has mango, parsley and romaine lettuce leaves. Yum, yum. Then I closed with another slice of my cheesecake, and two dates. I just can't seem to leave the dates alone. LOL. Oh, and of course, I drank plenty of water.
Today was another exceptional day, but much busier at work. I pretty much had the same smoothies today, with the exception of lunch. My lunch smoothie actually was a berry green smoothie that consisted of romaine lettuce leaves, bananas, and mixed berries, plus water. Very yummy and refreshing! I did end up having a raw vegan bar, since I wasn't sure what time I would be able to have my evening smoothie. This was because our nieces were in town with their kids, and we wanted to visit with them. So our schedule was off. In fact, I was supposed to work out tonight, but will have to make up for it tomorrow. In addition to the raw vegan bar, and the three smoothies, a slice of cheesecake, and one fudge brownie, I also ate three raw walnuts that I took out of the shells, and two pieces of cauliflower, one piece of broccoli, and one baby carrot. I also ate two dates, and licked the remaining chocolate frosting that I made for my additional batch of raw brownies. And as always, I drank plenty of water.
Tomorrow I plan to make another attempt at bread. I found another recipe that was shared on the Sunny Raw Kitchen site, that actually is a Russell James recipe. He always has great recipes. Well, that's it for tonight. I'm going to bed, it's really late again! Have a great tomorrow!
Bye bye.
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