Sunday, September 9, 2012

Reboot: First day of raw salads and juice

Last night I finished the 3-day juice feast with a delicious combination of 12 large carrots, 1 red bell pepper, 2 large beefy tomatoes, 6-8 stalks of kale, 1/2 bunch of parsley, and 1 big bunch of spinach. It tasted better than a V8, and was so filling. So my 3-day juice feast was a success, and I couldn't wait for today to come to start my salads.

So this morning I started my day off with the usual lemon water, and then the green lemonade, less the lemon. This drink has truly become a staple for me.

Today was a super special transition day since I decided to share my first raw salads with my Mom. I wanted to share my raw foods with her so she can see why I love to eat this way - and it worked! Today's menu included the following items:

Kale salad (flat kale, tomatoes, dried cranberries, my seed mixture, and a light raw dressing)
Beet and Watercress Salad with Sweet Miso Dressing (straight from page 79 of Judita's book Going Raw)
Raw carrot cake with a lemon cashew creme topping (carrot pulp, walnuts, dates, spices; cashews, agave, lemon, spices)
Flax cracker
Herbed Cashew Hemp Cheese (page 100 of Judita's Going Raw book)
Apple-Grape Juice

In addition to this marvelous lunch (which I gave my Mom the leftovers), I made her fresh sweet almond milk, and my chocolate-swirl raw ice cream with raw fudge sauce. My Mom was so impressed with the spread, and truly loved the flavors - especially the ice cream. She wanted to learn more. So we spent a good hour or two just talking food - my favorite subject!

When I got home I had some flax crackers with nut cheese spread and some fresh sliced figs. Then I ended my day's meals with a delicious papaya, pineapple, banana, honey and cacao nib smoothie. It was so yummy and filling. I just need to tell you, when I opened the papaya it had a swarm of sprouted seeds inside. At first I was shocked and concerned. But after reading several forums I decided to indulge, and I'm glad I did. The papaya was so perfectly sweet, it was amazing!

I can't wait for tomorrow to try out some new goodies. It's fun starting my raw food journey all over again. This time I'm more prepared, and definitely more focused. Till then. Have a wonderful evening, and a super tomorrow!

Blessings! =)

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