Anyway, the smoothie was awesome, so before I continue with this blog, here’s the recipe:
super-charge breakfast berry smoothie:
2 bananas
2 kiwis
1-2 cups blueberries
½-1 cup mixed berries
1-1/2 cups almond nut mylk
drizzle of agave nectar
water to cover, plus icecubes
1 scoop raw protein
2 scoops almonds
2 scoops uncooked oatmeal or oat groats
½ scoop lucuma
½ scoop maca
¼ scoop camu
2 handfuls goji berries
Puree in blender, and mix well. Serve. Makes about 2-3 tall glasses. Very yummy!
Today I spent a good part of it preparing quite a few things. I spent time cracking my coconuts, slicing my pineapples, making fresh salads for the next couple of days to take to work, and some more delicious flax-chia crackers, and the sweet ones too. I also made some more nut mylk, and a new salad dressing that I got from one of the e-books I purchased from Frederick Patrenaude, “Gourmet-Raw-Cuisine”. The dressing is called, Better than Ranch Dressing. I hope it is…Or should I say, I know it is? Lol…
Speaking of e-books, I have purchased quite a few over the past several months. In fact, The base for the flax-chia crackers I got from Kristine Suzanne’s Easy Raw Entrees. The e-book includes a lot of easy and delicious raw ideas. One of my favorites is the Coconut Tortilla Wraps, and the Almond Butter and Sweet Berry Jam on Chocolate Bread Sandwich. Today, I also made some tasty hemp butter – another simple and great recipe from another e-book by Kristine Suzanne, called Ultimate Raw Vegan Hemp Recipes.
Some other e-books that I highly recommend are:
Kristen Suzanne’s EASY Raw Desserts
Kristen Suzanne’s EASY Raw Dehydrating
Kristen Suzanne’s EASY Raw Holidays
Karen Knowler’s 50 Quick Easy Healthy Delicious Recipes
Frederick Patrenaude’s NewYears Day Dinner
Frederick Patrenaude’s The Christmas Day Menu
Raw Food Right Now’s Raw Christmas
Raw Food Right Now’s Raw Thanksgiving
Raw Food Right Now’s Raw Easter
Angela Stoke’s A Juice Feaster's Handbook
Carmella’s Best Of The Sunny Raw Kitchen
…To name a few!
On another note, I went shopping again today, on a mission to find the green produce bags that keep your produce fresh for a long time. I ventured over to AJ’s Market – a very fancy upscale grocery store. Anyway, I found some great exotic fruit, that I’ve been trying to find, or that Whole Foods was currently out of. I found things like Star fruit, Passion fruit, Guavas, Tomarillos, baby Pineapples (very cute), Persimmons (some old time favorites), and some other tasty treats. I plan to talk more about them later when I figure out how I’m going to prepare them. Oh, and I purchased yet another raw un-cookbook. This time I bought “Living In The Raw Gourmet”, by Rose Lee Calabro. I have purchased books by her before.
Well, to end the evening I made a delicious fruit smoothie that I shared with my son. I feel like calling it the Berry Bush Tropicana smoothie. I only named it that because it’s full of berries (which grow on bushes), and tropical fruits. Whatever you choose to call it, it’s good! Here’s the recipe:
Berry Bush Tropicana Smoothie
2 bananas
handful blueberries
handful raspberries
handful blackberries
handful strawberries
1 mango
1 kiwi
handful pineapple
1-2 cups creamy almond nut mylk
fresh coconut water to cover the fruit
4-6 icecubes
drizzle of agave nectar
Mix and puree very well in a blender. Serve in tall glasses. Makes about 2 full servings.
Well, that’s it for tonight. Have a wonderful week!
Peace! J
super-charge breakfast berry smoothie:
2 bananas
2 kiwis
1-2 cups blueberries
½-1 cup mixed berries
1-1/2 cups almond nut mylk
drizzle of agave nectar
water to cover, plus icecubes
1 scoop raw protein
2 scoops almonds
2 scoops uncooked oatmeal or oat groats
½ scoop lucuma
½ scoop maca
¼ scoop camu
2 handfuls goji berries
Puree in blender, and mix well. Serve. Makes about 2-3 tall glasses. Very yummy!
Today I spent a good part of it preparing quite a few things. I spent time cracking my coconuts, slicing my pineapples, making fresh salads for the next couple of days to take to work, and some more delicious flax-chia crackers, and the sweet ones too. I also made some more nut mylk, and a new salad dressing that I got from one of the e-books I purchased from Frederick Patrenaude, “Gourmet-Raw-Cuisine”. The dressing is called, Better than Ranch Dressing. I hope it is…Or should I say, I know it is? Lol…
Speaking of e-books, I have purchased quite a few over the past several months. In fact, The base for the flax-chia crackers I got from Kristine Suzanne’s Easy Raw Entrees. The e-book includes a lot of easy and delicious raw ideas. One of my favorites is the Coconut Tortilla Wraps, and the Almond Butter and Sweet Berry Jam on Chocolate Bread Sandwich. Today, I also made some tasty hemp butter – another simple and great recipe from another e-book by Kristine Suzanne, called Ultimate Raw Vegan Hemp Recipes.
Some other e-books that I highly recommend are:
Kristen Suzanne’s EASY Raw Desserts
Kristen Suzanne’s EASY Raw Dehydrating
Kristen Suzanne’s EASY Raw Holidays
Karen Knowler’s 50 Quick Easy Healthy Delicious Recipes
Frederick Patrenaude’s NewYears Day Dinner
Frederick Patrenaude’s The Christmas Day Menu
Raw Food Right Now’s Raw Christmas
Raw Food Right Now’s Raw Thanksgiving
Raw Food Right Now’s Raw Easter
Angela Stoke’s A Juice Feaster's Handbook
Carmella’s Best Of The Sunny Raw Kitchen
…To name a few!
On another note, I went shopping again today, on a mission to find the green produce bags that keep your produce fresh for a long time. I ventured over to AJ’s Market – a very fancy upscale grocery store. Anyway, I found some great exotic fruit, that I’ve been trying to find, or that Whole Foods was currently out of. I found things like Star fruit, Passion fruit, Guavas, Tomarillos, baby Pineapples (very cute), Persimmons (some old time favorites), and some other tasty treats. I plan to talk more about them later when I figure out how I’m going to prepare them. Oh, and I purchased yet another raw un-cookbook. This time I bought “Living In The Raw Gourmet”, by Rose Lee Calabro. I have purchased books by her before.
Well, to end the evening I made a delicious fruit smoothie that I shared with my son. I feel like calling it the Berry Bush Tropicana smoothie. I only named it that because it’s full of berries (which grow on bushes), and tropical fruits. Whatever you choose to call it, it’s good! Here’s the recipe:
Berry Bush Tropicana Smoothie
2 bananas
handful blueberries
handful raspberries
handful blackberries
handful strawberries
1 mango
1 kiwi
handful pineapple
1-2 cups creamy almond nut mylk
fresh coconut water to cover the fruit
4-6 icecubes
drizzle of agave nectar
Mix and puree very well in a blender. Serve in tall glasses. Makes about 2 full servings.
Well, that’s it for tonight. Have a wonderful week!
Peace! J
@Debbie - Thanks for purchasing our ebooks. We hope you are finding great value out of them.
Your blog is looking fantastic, keep up the awesome work!
~ Heidi & JS
Raw Food, Right Now!
Thank you for the kind compliment and encouragement. I have you two to thank for introducing me to the raw food web community! :)
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